- integrated diagnostic system with a visual display
- LED indicator for switching state
- larger gate-width possible
- high electromagnetic interference immunity
- resistant against voltage reversal and short-circuits
- verpolsicher und kurzschlussfest
- regulated transmit power
- compatible with all common gate controls
Diagnostic system with a visual display:
The optoelectronic safety system SIGNAL tests the optical quality of the rubber profile when switched on. The quality is influenced by the rubber mixture, the gate width, the bending, the dirt etc.. The result of the measurement is shown by a number of flashes. The best possible result is 1 flash, the worst result is signaled by 16 flashes.
LED indicator for switching state:
During normal operation the yellow LED shows the triggering of the optoeletronic safety edge.
larger gate-widths possible:
The SIGNAL was developed using a new optoelectronic system which makes considerably larger gate-widths possible.
less sensitive to wind load and bending:
The SIGNAL brings an improved switching behavior under difficult conditions, due to the new optics and regulation method.
high electromagnetic interference immunity:
The SIGNAL has a very high electromagnetic interference immunity. In this way the requirements can be fulfilled, despite the use of frequency inverter controls and static discharges by PVC curtains.
resistant against voltage reversal and short-circuits:
The SIGNAL is immun to wrong wiring. It is practically indestructible at the power supply.
regulated transmit power:
The improved transmit power regulation results in aproximately equal closing forces at different gate-widths.
compatible to all common closing edges systems:
Of course, the SIGNAL is compatible with all common gate controls and safety processing units and can be attached without problems.
The SIGNAL safety edge has a new diagnostic system innovatively integrated. To realize this, the transmitter has got an all around visible yellow ring LED.
When switched on, the optical values of the rubber profile are measured and indicated with a flash code with 1...16 impulses.
1 impulse is the best value and 16 impulses show, that the limit of the optoelectronic system ist reached. After displaying the diagnostic value the SIGNAL changes to the normal operation mode. Now the triggering of the safety edge is displayed by the LED.
Always after switching on the power:
1...6 flashes = optimal condition
7...14 flashes = good condition
15...16 flashes = operational limit reached
This is an example for the basic version with cable length of transmitter 1mand receiver 10,5m. You will get the short cable with the transmitter.
This is for seeing the flash code impulses when connecting the safety edge to the door control.
Ordering details
transmitter 1m
receiver 10,5m
transmitter 1m with Molex-plug
receiver 10,5 m with Molex-plug
transmitter 1m
receiver 10,5m
Please also see our accessory inventory to find suitable components for the safety edges.
For further technical details please refer to the following datasheet: